THAI MASSAGE – Individual appointments
Contact phone 067 7442913 and +7 921 9944483
Thai massage sessions conducted by Yury Zhidchenko, doctor from Russia, rehabilitation specialist, physical therapist, specialist in classical and Thai massage. Yury knows acupressure, as well as soft manual techniques. His work is based on:
17 years of home motor rehabilitation of hundreds of people with lesions of the central nervous system,
Common sense and biomechanics of the human body
Principles for the Conscious Evolution Practice HORA
One session duration 1 – 1.5 hours
EVERYONE who spends a long time in a “sitting” position due to their work or hobby
EVERYONE who feels under psychological stress and / or feels stiffness, tension, heaviness, pain in the muscles of the trunk, neck, arms and legs
ACHIEVE psychophysical relaxation through slow, almost painless and deep work with muscles and connective tissue
REDUCE pain or eliminate pain altogether
IMPROVE the state of connective and muscle tissue, and consequently – blood flow, lymph flow and innervation of problem areas in the body
One-hour (one and a half hour) individual work in various positions of your body (lying on your back, lying on your sides, lying on your stomach) using a range of Thai massage techniques (pressure and stretching). Your clothes are light sportswear. The recommended number of sessions to achieve the result is from 7 to 10. The frequency of sessions is 2 times a week.
1 – 1.5 hours. Come for 5 – 10 min. earlier to have time to change and drink a glass of herbal or fruit tea (warm water) before the session! Thai massage starts the cleansing processes in the body, and you need to drink enough warm water throughout the course.
SESSION COST PROMOTIONAL PRICE 3500 dinars (regular price 4000 dinars)
Сеансы тайского массажа
Сессии тайского массажа, которые проводит Юрий Жидченко, врач, реабилитолог, физический терапевт, специалист по классическому и тайскому массажу.
Юрий владеет точечным массажем, а также мягкими мануальными техниками.
Его работа основана на:
17 годах домашней двигательной реабилитации сотен людей с поражениями центральной нервной системы,
Здравом смысле и биомеханике человеческого тела
Принципах практики сознательной эволюции ХОРА
ВСЕМ, кто долго находится в позе “сидя” в связи со своей работой или хобби
ВСЕМ, кто ощущает себя в состоянии психологического стресса и / или чувствует скованность, напряжение, тяжесть, боли в мышцах туловища, шеи, рук и ног
ДОСТИЧЬ психофизической релаксации путем медленной, практически безболезненной и глубокой работы с мышечной и соединительной тканью
УМЕНЬШИТЬ болевые ощущения или вовсе избавиться от боли
УЛУЧШИТЬ состояние соединительной и мышечной ткани, а следовательно – кровоток, лимфоток и иннервацию проблемных зон в теле
Часовая индивидуальная работа в различных позициях вашего тела (лежа на спине, лёжа на боках, лёжа на животе) с использованием спектра техник тайского массажа (надавливания и растягивания). Ваша одежда – лёгкая спортивная. Рекомендуемое количество сеансов для достижения результата – от 7 до 10. Кратность сеансов – 2-3 раза в неделю.
1 – 1.5 часа. Приходите на 5-10 мин. раньше, чтобы успеть переодеться и выпить стакан травяного или фруктового чая (теплой воды) перед сессией! Тайский массаж запускает очистительные процессы в теле, и вам необходимо пить достаточно тёплой воды на протяжении курса.
СТОИМОСТЬ СЕССИИ акционной цене 3500 динар (обычная цена 4000 динар)
Short professional biography of Yuri Zhidchenko
In 1992 I graduated from St. Petersburg Physics and Mathematics Gymnasium N30. In 1992 I entered Medical Faculty of St. Petersburg State Medical University named by academician I.P. Pavlov. During my studies, I received a diploma of referent-translator of medical literature in English. I have a Cambridge Certificate in English (FCE, Grade A) since 2001.
After graduating from Medical University in the year 2000 I studied for 3 years (2000 – 2003) at the Clinical Residency at the Department of Family Medicine (General Practice) of the St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (St. Petersburg MAPE). During this study period I also completed primary specialization in Neurology.
From 2004 till 2006, I worked as an Emergency Room neurologist and neurologist on duty at the Neurology Department of St. Petersburg St. Elizabeth Hospital. From 2005 to 2007, I took part in the rehabilitation treatment of stroke patients in a multidisciplinary rehabilitation team at the St. Petersburg Medical Center “Twenty-First Century”. I completed my primary specialization in exercise therapy and sports medicine in 2005.
In 2005 – 2007, I participated in the formation and development of the Kinesis Rehabilitation Center, which was organized by my teacher Sergey Aleksandrovich Dzhumaev. I worked as a leading specialist in neurorehabilitation, focusing on stroke patients. A unique feature of the Kinesis Center was the provision of high-quality rehabilitation at home for patients who had suffered a stroke, spinal cord, and traumatic brain injury.
In November 2007, I received an invitation from the Swiss Association of Paraplegia and, as the only Russian expert, took part in the final conference on the application of the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) in the rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injury.
In 2008 – 2009, I worked as a neurologist at the Nevsky Private Medical Center.
From 2007 to 2022, in private practice, I was engaged in home physical therapy and rehabilitation at home for patients with severe lesions of the central nervous system. I have done more than 8500 home neurological physical therapy sessions during this time.
In 2016 – 2017, I was a physical therapist at the St. Petersburg Assistance Service for people diagnosed with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and their families. I have designed and coordinated individualized home based supportive physical rehabilitation programs, transfer and exercise schools for people diagnosed with ALS and their loved ones.
In 2017 – 2019, I participated in the international SOCRE project to develop a social approach to rehabilitation in Russia. I studied and worked at seminars in Helsinki and Oulu (Finland), Groningen (Netherlands), Ghent (Belgium). I was a teacher at the St. Petersburg NGO “Physical Rehabilitation” and participated in training courses in neurological physical therapy.
My workshop training:
- The program “Clinical Educational Complex STROKE” for specialists from multidisciplinary teams. St. Petersburg Hospital N26, 2015
- Seminar of the physical therapist Ekaterina Klochkova “Development of the function of the upper limb” on the basis of the Institute of Early Intervention. St. Petersburg, 2014
- Workshop by trainer Maja Van Niekerk on the Feldenkrais method. St. Petersburg, 2012
- Visceral chiropractic. Seminar of prof. A.T. Ogulov. Moscow, 2008
- Thai massage (levels I, II, III). Course of Pavel Janishevsky (Warsaw), international instructor of the Chiang Mai School. St. Petersburg, 2008
- Visceral manual therapy with the basics of applied kinesiology of the organs of the thoracic cavity and pelvis. IAAK, 2005
- Vertebral manual therapy with the basics of applied kinesiology at the level of the thoracic and cervical spine. IAAK, 2004
- Non-optimal motor stereotype. IAAK, 2004
- Neurophysiological foundations of muscle testing (Interregional Association of Applied Kinesiology. IAAK, 2004
- Visceral manual technique. St. Petersburg MAPE, 2003
- Lymphatic drainage. St. Petersburg MAPE, 2003
- Post-Isometric Relaxation. St. Petersburg MAPE, 2000
- Massage classic, vacuum, honey, acupressure, therapeutic in adults and children. St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (MAPE), 2000